One very important thing as a DJ is keeping up with new music, rediscovering old music, and just generally listening to lots and lots of music - bummer right?
Many of us still fondly remember the late great Jon Peel, who's long running radio 1 show was a fast track to the weird, wonderful and any other superlative world of music. Where Gabba would sit next to Afgan folk like perfect bed fellows.
Global Soundtracks is a project sharing much of the same spirit, hardly surprising being that it is a collaboration presented by Tom Ravenscroft (Jon's son). In their own words Global Soundtracks is:
Experimental sounds from the world's underground music communities, presented by Tom Ravenscroft. The weekly podcast, available to download free every Monday, is your guide to the music that matters, with exclusive live recordings and interviews from around the world.
So lets recap, FREE weekly podcast, world underground music, live recordings and interviews, all presented by one of someone of legendary stock. I am so on this. Oh did I also mention that they actively encourage you send in your music for consideration too...
Point your iPod and Browser here to get the latest episode, stick it on subscribe, sit back and be edutained (see what I did there).
Read more on the web-site here: