Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 365: What have we learnt here

So here we are, the very last post in the 365 day chain. I feel great pressure to write something deeply insightful and profound. I could always just link off to a youtube video or something? Shall I? Ok, ok... I couldn't end it like that.

Here we are, a whole 365 days (and posts) later. Those of you that have been with us from the start will know that initially this blog was conceived as a personal challenge. To make it as a DJ, or at least see how far I could get in one year.

It wasn't too long however before I realised how difficult that challenge was, especially to write about it every day AND make that interesting. It wasn't too long into the year then that the blog started taking a more wider approach, bringing you daily information about how you might be a better DJ and producer too.

All in all you might say that I largely failed in my initial goal. I could wheel out numerous reasons as to why, but I'll save that for the book ;). This however isn't to say that over all the whole idea was an exercise in futility, in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Over the last 365 days, I personally have gone from a total novice DJ with no idea of how to make a tune, to having played at probably the largest and most well know electronic dance music festival in the UK, possibly world (at a brand level). I won 3 DJ competitions, and one music production competition.

Last January I thought I knew a lot, now I know 100 times more, and realise there is still many more magnitudes of things to learn. I have made friends, and contacts with a great number of people, and been lucky enough to be given many number of things relating to DJing and making music. All of this is a great privilege in itself.

Rather than tire of the subject forcing myself deeper into it for the purposes of the blog has stoked the fire of passion to new un-thought of heights. If I have been able to pass one one ounce of this enthusiasm and information along the way then that is success for me in itself.

In many ways I thought that this last post might be the end, but as I briefly hinted at yesterday if anything it's barely the start. In the new year new projects will be undertaken, and much more of my time will be spent doing more of the same thing, discovering more about the craft of DJing, and the art of Production.

Without doubt the blog has changed my life in many ways. Having a project like this is without doubt one of the best ways to totally immerse yourself in something that you care about. If one thing has become clear to me, it's that the old adage of "You get out what you put in" is bang on the money.

Just by sticking with it, and doing a little bit towards something day by day you will be surprised by how quickly and impressively you start reaping rewards. They may be in the form of financial gain, or freebies, but more often than not, the best rewards are the opportunities, ideas and experiences that come from pursuing something, with intent, for a sustained amount of time.

Many of the interviews, features and tutorials will remain here, but will also be ported over to the new site and updated. This blog will return to it's original purpose as a web-log for my own personal musical endeavours. It'd be great to have you stay around, and don't worry it wont be daily any more!

The new site will take it's residence at and is open to contributions and collaboration if you too are interested in music/DJing/writing and anything related. Unfortunately I don't have a launch date yet as I am currently moving house (and countries!) but I would expect no later than February.

There will be a great many new and in depth features coming too as I take this on more or less as a full time job. There will even be a fairly big give-away to kick the site off.

For the producers among you, there will also be the launch of a digital record label. Distribution to all the big sites is in place and demos are being accepted.

So as you can see, many new and exciting projects in the pipeline, and these are just the ones I have told you about. There are a few more that are still at the ideas stage.

Therefore, it is with great pleasure and satisfaction that I bid you Happy New year, may you work hard towards the things that mean something to you, and if you do, you'll be sure to reap rewards.

Enjoy the music, and I'll see you on the other side.

James - Bang the DJ.

P.S. Below are a mix I never posted (the one that won me a Pacemaker) and my latest and I hope most accomplished track (with .wav download available) by way of a small gesture of thanks for reading!

HarmonicIndieDanceMix by Bang the DJ
Bang The DJ - On The Rocks by Bang the DJ




Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 364: This is the end...

Well almost. One day left of the 'daily' blog. So, what are you all going to do once I deny you your daily fix of Bang the DJ?

Fear not, this isn't the end, it is merely the beginning. Over the last year we have constantly bought you updates, information guides, tutorials and more from he world of DJing and music production.

So I thought it would make sense to take it to the next level. To accomplish that we have some big plans in the pipeline. We move over from the blog format, and over into the more substantial, supersized fully fledged web-site/portal/on-line magazine style format.

Expect a lot more home grown multi media in the form of tutorial videos and video interviews with DJs and producers, also expect more quality in depth editorial, reviews of equipment competitions and much much more.

I am quite excited about the whole thing, and can't wait to get it up and out there. We are still developing the site as we speak so expect it to launch some time in February. I'll pass on more info here as and when I have it.

Although this will mean the end of the daily blog updates, the blog will still continue to run in a much more relaxed and personal manner serving more as a web log of my own personal DJ/Producer adventures.

I'll provide a full wrap up of everything tomorrow, but just thought I'd get the word out now, before tomorrows no doubt over long, rambling and tear jerking final post.





Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 363: A word about the DMC

You couldn't have a DJ blog without mentioning the DMCs at least once.

If you don't know what the DMCs are, they are basically the World Cup of DJing. Definitely recognised as the most prestigious Turntablist event of the calendar. Big names like Craze, QBert, Roc Raida and A-Trak all earned their stripes at this very competition.

This years winner was DJ Shortee, who regularly gives tutorial videos etc over at Dubspot. They recently released a DMC2009 DVD, and while I just spoiled the ending for you, I don't think you'll mind once you see the trailer as it'll get you all pumped back up again and gagging to watch it.




Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 362: More DJ Courses.

We reviewed a bunch of DJ courses in the week building up to Christmas, so I hope you found that useful, and maybe even treated yourself or a loved one to one...

Well this one I literally just found today. It claims to be free, and certainly appears to be (bar possibly a few bucks in fees). Though I think the idea is that you sign up for their VIP site at the end of it (you get a months free membership|).

I imagine you don't have to join the VIP and can just cancel your subscription, so still probably worth checking out. Certainly good if you wanted a course, but couldn't afford one, or are left skint after Christmas!

Have fun with it, I'll try and do a full review in the new year if I can.




Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 361: DJ Resolutions.

Now that pesky Christmas is out the way, naturally our eyes turn to New Years, and with that comes new beginnings. and of course, resolutions.

Here are some of mine that I think many DJs might share, I would love to hear any others you might have.

1. Learn to Scratch

2. Learn to Scratch better

3. Master beat juggling for the hell of it

4. Start a small net label

5. Follow up on all the Dj related stuff that I promised I would do this year but never did for various reasons.

6. Learn to beat mix backwards.

7. Make lots of VIP edits of tunes, and baffle the trainspotters

8. Get a tune played out on national radio

9. Rediscover the joy of plain old LOUD DJing (sorry neighbours)

10. Blog less!

Ok, there you go, those are mine, let's see how I fair this time around.

She has a point...


