Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 184: Dance with feeling

A good friend showed me this the other day, and I thought it was brilliant. So many layers of message are interwoven within it's cheeky 3 minutes.

On the surface it's just some festival fruit (you know the ones) mooning about, a few people ape him, then it all gets out of hand.

However, if you think about it, who's the one having the best time? It's not the snidey Americans holding the camera, or the first few that jump in lampooning him.

Next thing you know, this out right individual starts something special. A real spine tingling festival moment (if you've not been to a festival, intoxicated you wont understand maaaan).

And lo and behold as it goes on people flock to the individual like sheep, joining in. This guy is a hero and his freaky moves caused something good. A lesson to us all. Don't hold back, let loose.

The other lesson of course is, stay away from the brown acid.




Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 183: Phase 5 (Finally!)

OK, so here is *ahem* May's mix hot off the decks...

No excuses, I'm behind alright, but in my defense I started recording this 3 times before I finally got to complete it. Track list below. Enjoy people!

Bang the DJ - Phase 5 (Direct Link)


Jason Tyler - Run Around (Udachi rmx)
Mustard Pimp - oh la la Satan
Me my head - Whitelights
Knowlton Walsh - Animal (B.Rich rmx)
Rico Tubbs - Boom Riddim
Rob Theezy - The Change Up
La Roux - Bulletproof (Foamo rmx)
B. Rich - Aint here to party
Deadmau5 - Catbread
Darling Farah - Hair Down
Caged Baby - Forced (Foamo remix)
Boltan - laughing through my teeth
Hostage - Rudeboys
Hostage - Pirates
Man Like me - Carny
Boy 8-Bit - Bulbs Burn out
Buraka Som Sistema - Aqui Para Voces (Brodinski rmx)
Blatta & Inesha - Punching




Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 182: Ableton Sampler tutorial video

There was a time when the hardware sampler was the backbone of every studio, sometimes being the only bit of kit in basic set ups.

Now though with digital recording and computers being cheap, rack mounts are fairly obsolete. Ableton has a 'sampler' built in. Though no complex controls are required. Anyone who has used a real sampler will know they could be fairly complex beasts.

'Sampler' within Ableton however is a wonderfully simple, yet powerful piece of kit, and something its definitely worth learning how to use properly to get the most out of it.

This short video goes a long way to achieving that:




Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 181:Being your worst enemy

This whole blog is about becoming a DJ, or making progress of some sort in whatever chosen musical field. The whole point was both to encourage (both you and myself) to make progress by sharing information and ideas.

On a more personal level the idea was that by doing a daily blog I would then have DJing on my mind all the time, I would have a reason to do something about it everyday, and, hopefully little by little, make progress by default.

Now regulars will know that in the beginning there was the inevitable naive enthusiasm, the blind spirited gusto. This was then swiftly followed by a prompt slump. Blogging almost became a chore, it felt like I had no time, and motivation seemed a distant memory.

Then I suddenly got more free time, the production side of things started to get going and maybe a flicker of enthusiasm returned.

Little by little this has been creeping back, to the point where I actually approached someone this week who runs a venue, about holding a night. The response was positive, whilst non committal. I will need to meet with them to discuss further. This represents a potential massive leap forward in the scheme of things. Actually DJing out for a start, names on flyers, the internet etc. OK not stardom of course, but definitely a step forward, basically from actually thinking about it, to, heaven forbid, actually doing it.

Then it kicked in... the fear. FUCK this could actually be real, I might ACTUALLY have to do this. Suddenly all sorts of crushing doubts kick in, am I ready yet, what if I fail etc. The reality of thinking about playing in front of an audience making my palms sweat.

Stage fright? Pffft...

What is this all about! Why am I my own worst enemy. It's not really just on this occasion. I am aware that this same restraining force has been responsible for me not making more progress than I have. It's far far easier to just sit here, have a private mix, write about it, and think how nice it would be. But secretly I feel I have been holding myself back for the fear of failure.

Every time I have confronted this fear before, I have always come out of it completely amped, feeling amazingly liberated and happy with myself. The sense of achievement is fantastic. So why does it return time and time again?

I even decided to have a mix today to prove to myself I was being silly, that I rocked. Naturally it went horribly, everything fell out of sync, the levels all seemed way out.

Then, a few hours later, without really thinking, I put on some tunes I liked, just got into mixing them, then a few tracks down the line I realised I was having a buzzing natural mix, I didn't even really need to think about it, my fingers just seamlessly pulled the tunes in time.

What does this tell me? Well for starters I clearly lack the initial self confidence, but, when faced with a challenge, I actually perform very well (relative to what I was worrying about anyway). I have also accepted that facing your fears is the best thing you can do, the most rewarding thing you can do.

Nothing can beat that feeling of facing something that is scaring you, facing that fear, and smashing through it. The feeling of achievement and personal growth are some of the best feelings around. So much better than the cushy feeling of just meandering on, just getting by, comfort zone style.

So... I still don't know why I get that mad fear, and I hope that with some experience it will get better. Yet, strangely, I don't want it to go completely. I think a little bit of fear does you good, keeps you on your toes, gives you something to achieve.

That all said, I think I had better make this call, and see what happens. It might not come to anything, yet it could also be the start of everything... only one way to find out really.




Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 180: Bullseye!

Am I the only one who can't read the number 180, without mentally going Ooooooooooone huuuuuundred AAAAAND Eeeeighteeeeey!?

Ok maybe it is just me.

Where has everyone gone though, that's all I have to say today. The blogs in general seem to have ground to a halt, even the usually productive disco dust has been quiet recently. In general correspondence is low, the number of interesting events is shrinking...

It's almost as if something fundamental is changing in the scene, like a snake shedding it's skin. Maybe this is the quiet before the veritable storm?

I bloomin hope so.




Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 179: Do you like your hardcore?

I don't know why I have been going on this Hardstyle tip recently, I personally blame DJ Donna Summer, who's excellent Booty Bass mix has had me back in Kick Drum heaven.

So yeah I kinda knocked out another hardcore tune, this time taking it a bit further. All the sounds are original except the kick drum and hi-hat.

Infact most of the lead sounds are taken from some samples of motorbikes, chopped up, edited, EQ'd, reversed and filtered... whatever was needed to get them sounding grizzly.

Check out the whole tune here:




Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 178: You get out what you put in.

I've always been a firm believer that you get out of something relative to what you put into it. To me the logic is simple.

Some people seem to expect something for nothing, or get disheartened/give up real soon on something when they don't get the expected/desired results.

Now although this isn't something new, it kinda hit me today with a throw away comment that I made, which made me realise how true indeed this saying actually is. I was merely commenting that I hadn't had any interesting emails in the bang the DJ inbox recently.

Almost nothing more would have come of that simple comment had it not been for something unrelated that happened later. I saw a flyer for a free dance music event this weekend, on the outskirts of the city. This caused me to look in to it a bit, find out about the people organising it etc etc. Then I obviously thought about contacting them for info/contacts etc and also out of general enthusiasm for this sort of thing.

Then it hit me, I had answered my own question (if it were really a question). The reason why I wasn't getting any interesting emails, was that I wasn't doing anything to deserve them.

A few months back I was actively shooting out emails, contacting people, digging for stuff etc etc, and respectively things were therefore coming back. I was pushing out my mixes promoting them and bobbing round on forums etc. Anyone notice there's not been a mix for a while? Well that's exactly it. If I am truly honest, I've been slacking, not putting anything into it, and therefore, quite simply, not been getting anything out of it.

This is excellent news. Weird to say that I know, but with this simple and stark realisation, I now have all the renewed enthusiasm one could want. I'm going to get back in to contact mode, pull out the proverbial finger, and get back in to what this was all about. The bit that I actually really enjoyed!

So the message is... if you're not seeing much happening with something, be it your life in general, or you own personal small project... ask your self, do I truly deserve to be getting something out, based on what I am putting in. My money says the answer will (if you are truthful) be no.


